Monday, February 1, 2010


Hand sewing is really an art.
I loved looking at museum pieces of early garment constructions while studing at F.I.T. Just about everything used to be sewn by hand. Imagine that!! There's just something very alluring about that...maybe because 90% of things are mass-produced nowadays. Finding a vintage dress with such special details is such a gem.
There's nothing like hand sewn because:
- You know it took 20x longer than by machine. Which means they took extra time and care to make that garment.
- When a garment is sewn by hand, if you happen to need to take out the stitches, there's no holes. Try taking the stitches out of your machine sewn garments, there will def. be holes. The reason is because the needles used for hand sewing is much finer than those for the heavy duty machines. I like using a size 9 beading needles to hand sew. It's flexible and I can achieve the finest details. You try for yourself and see what works best for you.
I like to hand sew, because I can control the fabric better. You can see that I will always add some hand sewing techniques whenever possible. When I do make garments for myself, it's usually 50% done by hand. Hand sewing is like sketching or knitting, very soothing and relaxing.

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