I love playing around with my camera even though I am not very good at it. I like taking pictures of images anywhere, anytime, because hey, you never know when the next inspirational piece will "pop" up.
-As a designer, we're often asked "What inpires you?"...There's never an answer to this easy question..frankly, because just about anything can inspire. My husband will tell you that I often space out..always in my own little world: mind, speech..anything. It's hard to expalin how my mind just sometimes zones in(or out) and all these ideas can float around, too fast for me to even explain. Of course, the other problem would be , me not too eloquent in my speech. My mom had told me stories of me as a toddler: always just studying, not much talking and her always mistaken my needs. I guess I am still the same. A lot goes on in my mind, but I can't seem to explain it fast enough to people around me, making a lot of people very confused. I guess that is me... being JUST ME. So do not get offended the next time you don't quite understand what I am conveying. Simply as me to rewind..lol it is correct when they say, we are more visual people.
** Never interupt an artist at work until he/she is 100% done, because you never know what he/she intends to do. When interupted, it's like being waken up from a dream, a vision, hard to get back into**
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