Friday, February 26, 2010

Natural Beauty

Last week a friend mentioned about using vineger as an skin peeler. I got excited and researched more, since I am always on the lookout for all natural remedies. I don't like taking Advil or going to the docs unless I really have to. And I really don't want to use prescription cream to control my monthly outbreaks since there are downsides to using them.
I had very stressful/ tired skin during my wedding, because I was too busy at work to see my dermatologist. The below easy recipes consist of household ingredients, so you don't have freak next time you need to look fab, but too busy to take a lunchbreak to see the doc.
I tried it( skin peel, scrub and acne) and was really amazed.. see if it works for you.

The All Natural way

Skin Peel:
1 tablespoon of Organic Apple Cider Vineger
2 tablesppons of distilled water
1 table spoon of grind Oatmeal (you want to grind this so that it will go down the drain)
1 teaspoon of dripping honey

Mix all together and apply to clean face in circular motion using a facial pad,
wait about 5minutes and wash off. Can use every other day, but I used everyday since I have oily skin.
** Just like a skin peel, there may be red sensitive spots for about 5minutes. Can apply cold towel to calm skin.
** I grind a whole big bowl of oatmeal at a time and just store dry in a plastic bag so I don't have to grind everytime.

Exfoliating Scrub:
1 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of salt or grind almonds

Apply to face or body. Do not scrub too hard with the salt.

1 Garlic Clove

Just cut it and apply to affected area 2x a day. Visibly smaller in just 1 day. Works well, but of course not everyone can handle the garlic smell.

Pore Tightening
1 egg white
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Dark Eyebags
1 tablespoon to shredded potatoe for each eye

Bag in cheesecloth or I just use bouty towel and apply to eyes for 15minutes.

**There's already many products out there that has brown suger, honey, green tea, milk...etc, so in a way,they are using the same idea "natural products", but selling to you for $25-90 for a small jar which cost only pennies since you already use these items daily.

Do you have any other natural beauty secrets to share??

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